Russia: How young we were then!(Как молоды мы были!)

Beautiful song and beautiful pictures of our youth in Soviet era goes very good together! The name of this song “Как молоды мы были!” (How young we were then!), 1976

The elegiac song is not a lament, it is a song of wisdom looking back at its youth.
But I’ll better give a translation of this song what I found in Internet for you:
Please, look back lone passing by Stranger!
Your straight glance! I have seen it, I bet.
May be you that’s me – only younger,
Ourselves we sometimes can not get.

All our deeds leave the traces inlying,
And nevertheless the youth gone is undying!
Oh, how young we were then,
Yes, how young we were then!
We loved without doubt,
Believed in ourselves.

The first time of the life game is ended,
And the only thing we could get:
Not to be lost on this Earth pretended
Don’t lose yourself, try to do that!

All our deeds leave the traces inlying,
And nevertheless the youth gone is undying!
Oh, how young we were then,
Yes, how young we were then!
We loved without doubt,
Believed in ourselves.

Everybody and everything welcomed
Us with their sincere relief!
We forgave all the friends when they were wrong,
But the treachery couldn’t forgive!

All our deeds leave the traces inlying,
And nevertheless the youth gone is undying!
Oh, how young we were then,
Yes, how young we were then!
We loved without doubt,
Believed in ourselves.

In the sky the sheet lightnings died out,
Hearty storms turned into peace of mind,
We will never forget dear faces,
Dear eyes in the hearts are enshrined!

All our deeds leave the traces inlying,
And nevertheless the youth gone is undying!
Oh, how young we were then,
Yes, how young we were then!
We loved without doubt,
Believed in ourselves.
Please don’t forget:
Not to be lost on this Earth pretended
Don’t lose yourself, try to do that!

comments always welcome

7 thoughts on “Russia: How young we were then!(Как молоды мы были!)

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    1. admin Post author

      Thank you very much for your visit, Marta. Here is the Russian lyrics of the song “Оглянись, незнакомый прохожий”

      Оглянись, незнакомый прохожий.
      Мне твой взгляд неподкупный знаком.
      Может я это, только моложе…
      Не всегда мы себя узнаем.


      Ничто на Земле не проходит бесследно,
      И юность ушедшая все же бессмертна.
      Как молоды мы были, как молоды мы были,
      Как искренне любили, как верили в себя…

      Первый тайм мы уже отыграли,
      И одно лишь сумели понять:
      Чтоб тебя на Земле не теряли,
      Постарайся себя не терять!


      Не страшит нас Вселенной пространство,
      Эти звезды сияют для нас!
      Наша жизнь потому и прекрасна,
      Что живем мы единственный раз.


      Нас тогда без усмешек встречали
      Все цветы на дорогах Земли.
      Мы друзей за ошибки прощали,
      Лишь измены простить не могли.


      В небесах отгорели зарницы,
      И в сердцах утихает гроза.
      Не забыть нам любимые лица,
      Не забыть нам родные глаза…


      Best wishes,

      1. Tatianna Raquel

        It was Alexander Gradsky who recorded the Pakhmutova/Dobronravov’s song “Как молоды мы были (How Young we were then)” from the 1976 film “My Love at the 3rd Course” (Моя любовь на третьем курсе) and it was very popular in both USSR and Russia thus being covered by many singers over the years. It’s on the site:
        Watch the MV of the song:

  2. Marta

    Svetlana, thank you very much and I have another request;). Because I love Russian romances I am asking you for lyrics of “Podmoskovnye vechera”. This is one of my favorite performances of this beautiful song. Slavic melancholy – extraordinary!!!:
    and other great performance is by Alosza Awdiejew – Polish Russian, he lives in Poland over 40 years. ;):

    And a question: wasn’t it originaly called “Petersburskije vechera”?

  3. Richard Cheatham

    Hello-This lovely tune,How Young We Were, must be out there online somewhere with Dimtri singing while an English translation scrolls at the bottom of the screen. But in searching I’ve not yet found it. A link to it would be gretaly appreciated. Thanks. Richard


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