In the Forest was Born a Christmas Tree…

A wonderful Russian song about the Christmas tree:

Christmas songs – “born in the forest a Tree”
The forest was born a Christmas Tree,
In the forest it grew,
Winter and summer slender, green it was.
Winter and summer slender, green it was.

The blizzard then sang her song:
“Sleep, Christmas Tree, bye-bye!”
Frosty snow soon wrapped:
“Look, it does not freeze!”
Frosty snow swathing it:
“Look, it does not freeze!”

Coward the gray rabbit hid
Under the Christmas tree did dance.
He ran to hide, Sometimes as a wolf, would cross.
He ran to hide, Sometimes a wolf, would cross.

Hark! Sound through the Snow in the woods a frequent
creaking runners of a sled;
Horse trotted in a hurry, running.
Horse trotted in a hurry, running.

Lucky horse to pull the sled,
And the woodsman was peasant,
He cut down our Christmas tree at the base.
He cut down our Christmas tree at the base.

And here she is, all dressed up,
On the New Year came to us,
And brought many, many kids much joy.
And brought many, many kids much joy.

Kyle and Sveta

Merry New Year!

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