Russia: In Memory WWII – The Night Is Dark


In these days near The Victory Day in Russia (9th of May) we honor people who fought for our freedom and life! We honor our veterans. The TV shows a lot of old movies about World War 2 or how we call it in Russia The Great Patriotic War. So we decided to publish a series of articles with episodes of Soviet World War Two movies.

Today it will be an episode of movie “The Two Soldiers”. This movie was made in 1943, it is about two friends who defend Leningrad and became to love the same girl. This song was sung by Mark Bernes, he played one of these two friends. His image in this movie was great, he shows the brave soldier from Odessa, it was the typical image of a Soviet Marine.

Here we will listen to a very famous Soviet WWII-time song “Dark night”. This song was very popular in front line troops, it became the national hit right after its appearance.

For people who wants to know more we found an English translation of this song:

“Dark night”

(Translated by Andrey with cooperation of Amvas)

The night is dark,
Only bullets are whining in the steppe,
Only a wind is buzzing in wires,
Stars are dimly twinkling.
I know that you, my beloved girl,
Do not sleep this dark night
And secretly are wiping tear
Near a cot.
How I love
The depth of your tender eyes!
How I want to nestle up my lips
Close to them now!
The dark night
Separates us, my beloved girl,
And the disturbed black steppe
Lies between us.

I believe in your,
my dear she-friend.
This belief protected me
From a bullet in a dark night.
I am gaily
I am quiet in a mortal combat
I know you to meet me in love
Whatever had happened.
I’m not frightened with a death
We’ve already met with it in a steppe many times
And even now
It is whirling over me.
You are waiting for me
And do not sleep near cot
So therefore I know
Nothing bad can happen with me.

You are waiting for me
And do not sleep near cot
So therefore I know
Nothing bad can happen with me.


comments always welcome.

2 thoughts on “Russia: In Memory WWII – The Night Is Dark

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