Russian Video: Sofia Rotaru "The Moon"!


Today we are listening one of my most favorite songs, we are watching an old Soviet video where Sofia Rotaru will sing for us her hit “The Moon”. We are watching a record from festival “The song – 86”!

For our readers who wants to know more:

The song “The Moon” was written in spring of 1986 by poet Mikhail Shabrov and composer Vladimir Matetsky.

As always we did not find a translation the song in Internet so had to translate it on our own:

День промчался незаметно – выпит до дна.
День промчался. До рассвета в небе луна.
В лунном свете чище краски, с виду просты
Стали нежней и прекрасней цветы.

Мир волшебный полон тайны, светит луна.
Час влюбленных, час свиданий, он и она.
Час влюбленных – с ними вечно доля одна,
Рядом цветы и, конечно, луна.

Луна, луна, цветы, цветы.
Нам часто в жизни не хватает друзей и доброты.
Луна, луна, цветы, цветы.
Все, кто влюблен, им доверяют надежды и мечты.

Жизнь чудесна, если миром правит любовь.
Надо, чтобы всюду было море цветов.
Жизнь чудесна, если где-то песня слышна,
Если горит до рассвета луна.

Луна, луна, цветы, цветы.
Нам часто в жизни не хватает друзей и доброты.
Луна, луна, цветы, цветы.
Все, кто влюблен, им доверяют надежды и мечты.

Day has flowed away quietly – it’s drunk to the bottom.
Day has flowed. There is the moon in the sky till dawn.
In the moonlight paints are cleaner, and flowers became
more gentle and beautiful.

The world is full of magical mysteries, the moon shines.
Hour of lovers, hour of visits, he and she.
Hour of lovers – with them forever a share,
Near the flowers and, of course, the moon.

The moon, the moon, flowers, flowers.
We often don’t have enough friends and kindness in our life.
The moon, the moon, flowers, flowers.
All who’s in love trust them their hopes and dreams.

Life is beautiful if the world is ruled by love.
It is a necessary that the sea of flowers are everywhere.
Life is beautiful if somewhere a song is heard,
If the moon is lit before dawn.

The moon, the moon, flowers, flowers.
We often don’t have enough friends and kindness in our life.
The moon, the moon, flowers, flowers.
All those who love, trust them their hopes and dreams.

Best wishes and please enjoy this almost full Moon and flowers at night,
Svet and Kyle

comments always welcome.

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